
Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Mongolian Wedding :: essays research papers

Stanley Stewarts From the Empire of Genghis Khan is a highly inspire travel writing filled with hilarious plots vividly portrayed in chronological, fully-detailed, easily followed events. The survival of the fittest is about a Mongolian Wedding which Stewart attended. The extract is very precise as Stewart uses time keywords in chronological narrate such as Throughout the evening, In the morning, By mid afternoon and At four oclock at the beginning of each paragraph making it easy for readers to follow up and relate to the story effectively. He first shows the reader a bakshish about the Mongolian people he met with they are unpredictable, gravelly and could be as bad as the next fellow they blame him about. He then mentions cultural traditions in Mongolian weddings such as the groom searching for his bride under a bed of one(a) of the neighboring gers, the preparation of the brides family for the bridal breakfast and the grooms family for the evening feast that indicates tha t each family is both trying to show their unreasonable generosity, care and luxury to the other family. In addition to that, he shows that it was a custom for the sisters of the bride to serve both families with liquor and to make sure that everyone from the bride to the uttermost guest are at their absolute comfort and satisfaction. Every Mongolian guest was supposed to give out a song link to weddings even the shyest of them all would have no problem in reciting as the others will accompany him/her later on in the following verses. other tradition was that each guest had to drink as least ternion bowls of airag. Stewart successfully maintained the readers interest to the number by using an immense method for ridiculing strange traditions or reactions or by the aid of thriving language devices no to mention in compare to the Western culture. As for his comedic tone and great sense of humour, Stewart depict every incident in full-detailed ironic manner. First he gave a light hearted comment how the old Russian truck carrying hordes of wedding guests was the identical of the wedding Rolls Ricer back in his hometown. Then he ridiculed the idea coffin nail letting the groom pretend he is searching for his bride when her hiding focalize is previously distinguished He clearly expressed the extent of the unattractive and unappetising state the breakfast meal was slabs of white cheese, boiled sweets were arrayed in dizzy layers and a mountainous plate of sheep split.

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